Those whispering voices in my head just won’t shut up.
“That blog post isn’t good enough to publish.”
“People won’t like that photograph.”
“Everyone else’s photos are way better than yours.”
“Don’t hit publish yet. Keep working on it until it’s better.”
“You don’t really have much of value to write about.”
“You really aren’t all that creative.”
Damn you, whispering voices! #shakesfistatsky
This year I’ve been working hard to develop new creative rhythms in my life. Given that it has been a month since I last published a post on this blog, it’s evident that I have a long way to go.
I could look to inspiring quotes to keep me on track.
“It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.” — Myquillyn Smith
If we are not willing to fail we will never accomplish anything. All creative acts involve the risk of failure. — Madeleine L’Engle
“Real artists ship.” — Steve Jobs
“The only way to find your voice is to use it. It’s hardwired, built into you. Talk about the things you love. Your voice will follow.” — Austin Kleon
Amazing quotes to create by, for sure. But perhaps Anne Lamott’s advice is most helpful for such a time as this:
“How to write: Butt in chair. Start each day anywhere. Let yourself do it badly. Just take one passage at a time. Get butt back in chair.”
Anne Lamott
Despite the fits and starts, I’m not going to give up. I’ll miss a day here. I’ll miss a day there. But I’ll always get up the next day, put my butt in chair and write, one passage at a time. Not only that, but I’ll also draw, color, cut, tape, remix, glue, sing, photograph, print, build, and dance. I’ll keep pressing forward to build stronger creative rhythms and output.
And in the spirit of creating, below is a photo of the first page of my new journal. H/t to Snoopy (and The Nester) for the reminder that it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.
This “paper and pencil” notebook is my semi-private home for writing, drawing, and creating collages. I won’t often post photos of my journal here on this blog. So, follow me on Instagram for periodic snapshots of my journal and other visual work.